breath of Lithuanian summer

This is how my Lithuanian holidays near the sea looked like..

For those who don't know - Lt summer is really unexpected. One day it can be +28-30, after two days +18 and rain. My holidays actually passed quite nice, I didn't need to use my rainboots but warmth jacket and sweater in the evening were very usefull. I was really happy to get some sun in day time to enjoy last days of the summer this year.

Summer, hurry up.
Por favor.

best wishes, Lina
Lin.Self.Portrait: breath of Lithuanian summer

2012 m. rugpjūčio 18 d., šeštadienis

breath of Lithuanian summer

This is how my Lithuanian holidays near the sea looked like..

For those who don't know - Lt summer is really unexpected. One day it can be +28-30, after two days +18 and rain. My holidays actually passed quite nice, I didn't need to use my rainboots but warmth jacket and sweater in the evening were very usefull. I was really happy to get some sun in day time to enjoy last days of the summer this year.

Summer, hurry up.
Por favor.

best wishes, Lina

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